All about my obsession with Cross Stitching, my kids and my DH as well as tv. Yes I am a tv junkie and proud to say it.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Some old friends showed up on Monday. It was nice to see them. Lucy and Donnie. I used to work with Lucy for quite a few years. It is so weird how time seems to fly by. I used to hate working at that place due to the work but I do miss the people. I still talk with Mike alot. He is pretty much the only one that I talk to. Hopefully lucy will keep in touch. She was telling me that she has not stitched in years. She may be selling off her stuff and I have first dibs at her afghan material. I am almost completely out and I can not really afford to buy it from because you count. My daughter found a chart that she liked and wanted me to stitch it up for her. It is a quick stitch, I should be finished today and will post the picture. It is really cute. :)
My little guy goes to school today at noon. He is doing this for the next 5 weeks. It has been fun for him and he seems to enjoy it. My daughter is doing good at school. She had to have a eco project for earth day. So she made a bird feeder out a chocolate milk carton. It was really cute. She is really into saving the enviroment. She really cares which I find is rare for someone so young.
More reno plans for this weekend include starting on the bathroom. We also have to fix the bricks under the window in the front of the house. Also on deck is to get more insulation for the attic and to tear the drywall out of the basement and put more insulation and then replace the drywall. It will be a busy couple of months but it should be fun. The best part is that each week we are using cash to buy the materials. No credit card no credit line just cash. Pay as you go. If I have enough to do something I will, if not we wont. No more running up debt. :) I refuse. I hear stories of people going crazy doing renos and using credit lines and then having to pay for that new kitchen/bathroom/basement for the next 20 years. Not me.......anyway got to run and get my guy ready for school. Thanks for dropping in.....
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
I am so glad that it is the weekend. Sara had a sleep over last nite to end the team kid year. We are going to pick her up soon. I am sure that she is having alot of fun. :) I am just planning to relax this weekend. I do need to work on my budget as my work hours are not coming back soon. Just a quick post today. I am going to upload my current wip. :) I am hoping to keep working on it today. Have a great day everyone :)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I am taking Dylan to school today. I am excited for him for the next phase of his life. It will be good for him to make friends and to learn more things. I will miss him though but I really will need the time to myself. It will be so different. I was told that my hours may be coming back soon. That will be great. For the summer for sure because of vacations then they will see for Sept.
24 was really good this week. I watched 90210 last nite to see donnas big return. Tori Spelling looks horrible! She is way to thin and her acting has not improved at all :) LOL I loved this show growing up and have up to season 3 on dvd. I am working on getting the rest.
I am starting to get that new project itch but I am fighting it off. I want to finish this one that i am currently working on. I was so bad for that before, I would start a new project only to find another and abandon that first one :) I guess that there is just so much stuff out there that I want to stitch.
I am still reading Kathy Reichs deja dead. It is really good. Not sure what I will pick up next. Any suggestions?
Gotta run and get dylan ready for his big moment...till next time......
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
We had a great Easter. I was finally able to sink my teeth into some chocolate. I am going to rethink my lent next year. Giving up chocolate was really hard to do! I dont know who was more excited the kids or me LOL
I am taking dylan to his first day of kindergarden orienation tommorow. That will be interesting. I am still not ready to let him go. I cant believe how fast he has grown. Sara will be in grade 4 in sept. HOLY! I will kinda be happy though that I can start to get out and do my walks. I really need to shape up these legs of mine. I will also be glad to start shopping and to take my time and not have to worry about my little ones.
I am still working on my easter stitching. I will post a picture of the wip later on today. I found alot of time to stitch this weekend. I am at my most relaxed when I stitch. I just love it.
Well I am going to catch up with 24 while Dylan is watching cars for the i dont know how many times now. LOL
Have a great day .....thanks for stopping in....
Monday, April 6, 2009
What a weekend. Not exactly good. DH and I got in a huge blowout on sunday. Pretty rare for us but when it happens look out. LOL It all started when I asked him to make supper while I helped sara look something up on the computer. Now I love him but I swear that if I was not around he would starve. He says that he wouldnt but after yesterday I have to wonder. He started complaining I dont know what to make, what did you buy blah blah. So finally I had enough and totally blew up at him. It is really hard not to yell when you are mad. So I slipped a few times and had to really apologize to the kids. So did my DH after as well. We had a huge leak in the basement on Sat. So he told me that he was sorry just that he was really tired from that. I told him that I realized that but I cant be doing 3 things at the same time. I was working on catching up the laundry, helping sara and he wanted me to make supper. All while he was watching nascar. It kinda pissed me off. Anyway enough of that.
I have not stitched one stitch for over 2 weeks and my hands are freaking out LOL . I want to go to staples and pick up a document holder to hold my graph. I find it hard to stitch with the book lying on my lap. I think I might just head out soon and go pick one up.
Dreams have been better nothing to graphic...I will keep you updated on that. Gotta run for now....more later....xoxo
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