Wednesday, February 18, 2009

There is a load of wood in our backyard as I type this. It was delivered this morning. I am really hoping that this will be the last load that we absolutely have to get! I am sick of thinking of wood LOL. Man times are tough for us money wise. This loosing 5 hours a week has been really hard. Now they say it is going to last till may. They have cut the full timers too. The ones just hired in the last couple of months. I feel bad this economy is affecting everyone.

I wish that I could get over my problem at work. I try to like everyone but this one person I just cant seem to like. I am nice but when that person comes around I just sorta not be as open or as nice as I could be. I really dont understand my reasoning and why I am being like that as this person seems nice. I dont know. It makes it hard to go into work and see this person everyday.

DD is doing really well in school. She has had 100% on both her spelling and her math test. The only problem that I am getting from her is to settle down and get her homework done. :) LOL

So i must run it is getting close to badge time on pogo yippeee! Please leave me a comment to let me know you are here. Thanks for stopping in....

This is the next project I am working on. I will take a pic later today as I am almost done and will post it here.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sorry this is kinda hard to see. It is a bookmark that I have stitched for Sara. It is actually for next Christmas. I am getting some stuff done well ahead of time for next year. This way I dont have to run around going crazy trying to get stuff done. I am very impressed with myself so far. The box that i have hidden is now 2 boxes full of stuff for the kids and my family. :)
This one is kinda blury. It was a freebie that i found at I am not sure how I am going to finish it. I may just put it in a frame or thinking of getting some fill and making a tiny pillow out of it. Not sure though. Any suggestions???